Overcoming Challenges/Blocks

All life scenarios/situations/challenges are merely a test to see how you (your soul) reacts/responds to the event.

The situation itself, as all physical existence, is purely an illusion fabricated to test your behaviour/reaction/response. E.g. money does not exist, the space you inhabit does not exist. How do you react/respond in situations where someone else needs your money or mistreats your space. How do you react/respond to the people involved? Care for them, or rest them?

All is one and all else is illusion.

And a certain type of challenge will keep coming back to you until you learn the lesson.

Q: Why does this keep happening to me?

A: Because you haven’t learnt your lesson.

Once you learn the lesson / pass the test, the event will no longer recur. But you must pass. Like tests in school, must retake until you pass.

Life will always have challenges because Earth is a place of learning. You came to Earth to learn lessons and grow your soul, that is a primary reason for you being here.

The life challenges are not a sign of hatred from the Universe, they have been chosen by your soul. And even by your loved ones in Heaven who feel like you need a push to get to where you need to grow.

Therefore, when in times of peace, enjoy those moments of peace, because you know that there will be more challenges to come. And it would be wise to mentally prepare yourself for these challenges to come, and rather than resenting them, feel gratitude for the opportunity they provide for your soul to grow and develop into a higher state of consciousness.

Do not continue to react in the same way to the same situation each time and continue the pattern, respond/act differently to show the lesson has been learnt (the physical realm is a realm of action, not merely contemplation (though contemplation can be the beginning of an action)).

Keep a calm mind and remain disconnected/objective, be mindful of the illusion, what is truly happening, what the lesson is, and how best to respond differently to overcome the lesson.

If you feel like you can’t handle the challenge alone, Spirit / your Light team are happy to help, but you must ask and invite them, as you have free will and Spirit will not intervene unless you ask them to or there is very serious untimely threat.

Taking different life opportunities allows for novel experiences to respond to and grow with. Avoiding opportunities and remaining stagnant will not help growth. This is when your Heaven team may choose to step in and give you a push.

It is okay to take opportunities/risks and make mistakes. Okay to muck up the Earth life. Because Earth is not your real home anyway. Your home is in pure spirit/consciousness. Take challenges and grow now so you can live in eternal peace and calm in spirit once you return to your true home, rather than feel a requirement to keep returning back to the dense Earth to continue development.

Do not become identified with your ego (consciousness focusing device), it is not who you are. Nor identify yourself with your past nor ideals for how the situation/future ought to be. Treat each scenario as fresh and as a fresh person without fear of e.g. lack, or resentment.

Listen to your heart (higher self), not your human mind.

Focusing on other peoples’ mistakes or inadequacies only manifests more of this pattern of annoyance into your life. Allowing others to affect your emotional state inhibits you from rising to your own best possible heights and manifesting a life with less of these people you do not wish to see.

Though occasionally some will pop up again, but only to test if you are still practicing your new attitude and if the lesson remains truly learnt.

Undesired obstacles move themselves when you focus on manifesting a clear path.

Focus only on your own self-improvement and calm mind, then naturally you will stop caring about any thoughts/actions of others, as you hold strong within yourself and have unyielding peace within you now know you there is no need to sacrifice to an external entity/event.

Instead of going back to an old/past situation/argument and resuming contact to apologise or provide more information and claim victory, it can be better to leave the situation and move on than risk continuing the situation and resuming a/that pattern.

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